A high-school teacher has been accused of felony child endangerment after taking drastic measures to avoid catching the coronavirus from her son
Texas police are looking for a high-school English teacher after she allegedly locked her
Covid-19 positive child in a car trunk to limit exposure on the way to a testing facility.
An arrest warrant for felony child endangerment was issued for Sarah Beam, 42, on Friday after her 13-year-old son was discovered in the car trunk at Houston’s Pridgeon Stadium
Covid-19 testing center this week.
Bevin Gordon, the health services director for the local independent school district, reportedly contacted police after “she witnessed Beam unlatch the trunk and found the 13-year-old was face down inside.”
Court documents claim Beam defended the travel arrangement by arguing that the child was in the trunk to “prevent her from getting exposed to possible
After Gordon contacted authorities and returned to the car, however, the child had moved from the trunk to the vehicle’s back seat, but the incident was caught on surveillance cameras.
Beam, who works as an English teacher at a high school in the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District, has reportedly been placed on administrative leave.