Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday said that he has been informed that Russia will attack on Wednesday.
The comments from the Ukrainian leader, made in an address to his nation posted on
Facebook, come amid heightened tensions between Kyiv and Moscow.
Russia has amassed more than 100,000 troops near the Ukrainian border. The troop buildup had raised concerns among the U.S. and NATO allies that Russia is planning a military incursion, but Moscow has continually denied having any such plans.
Officials from Ukraine, Russia and NATO nations have engaged in diplomatic discussions for weeks with hopes of easing the tensions in the region, but the conversations did not bear any breakthroughs.
Zelensky wrote in a statement on
Facebook that Ukraine will hold a Day of Unity on Wednesday. He said the relevant decree has already been signed.
“We are told that February 16 will be the day of the attack," he said, according to a
Facebook translation of his comments.
President Biden spoke to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday and said that “swift and severe costs” would follow if Moscow invaded Ukraine.
Biden administration officials have warned that Ukraine could be invaded "any day now."